You are invited to enter the 12th annual B&W photography awards. The connection of Black and White Photography with tradition and timeless values is beyond contestation. Since its infancy, black and white photography was not only the craft but primarily the art, where ideas conjured in the artist’s imagination is immortalized through the lens of […]
The highly acclaimed ND AWARDS is a melting pot of some of the world’s most outstanding and talented souls in the field of photography where recognition, prestige and publicity are instantaneously gained by the winning entry. This is an open invitation. Join us and take part in the competition! The past couple of years have […]
9th edition is open now! MonoVisions Photography Awards are an international open call for photographers using black and white medium to express their visual language. Our aim is to discover the best monochrome photographers from all over the world and deliver the best opportunities to be recognized and rewarded for their work. You can compete […]